Quality Mixed Farming 50 kilometers away from the Hungarian / Serbian Border.
The property spans 1,500 hectares and is located in Timiș county, Romania.
Total Price= 9,266 €/ha × 1,500 ha=13,900,000 €

The Opportunity

ImmoCorso is pleased to present a rare opportunity for sale. This expansive property is situated in a prime agricultural region near Producție, Romania. It offers significant land ownership with mostly flat and gently undulating arable land, ideal for broadacre cropping. Located in Timis County in northwestern Romania, this property boasts fertile soils, an ideal climate, and a strategic position, making it a highly productive and desirable agricultural asset.


Romangranje is strategically positioned approximately 35 kilometers from a major city and about 70 kilometers southeast of another large urban center. It is conveniently close to Western European markets, being roughly 50 kilometers from both the Hungarian and Serbian borders.


The nearest weather station reports an average annual rainfall of 717 millimeters from 1991 to 2021. The area experiences a mean maximum temperature of 16.9°C and a mean minimum temperature of 7.8°C, offering an excellent climate for agriculture.


The property encompasses a total area of 1,500 hectares, with 1,250 hectares classified as arable land. The remaining land is primarily pastures and grassland. The layout is designed for efficient management and has been used historically for crops such as sunflower, wheat, and rapeseed.

Soil Types & Leasing

Romangranje’s soil is predominantly clay-loam brown forest soil, with organic matter content ranging from 2.5% to 3.0%. Currently, the land is leased to two local farmers, with lease contracts that are open for negotiation.

Purchase Price

Price: 9,266 €/ha – negotiable
Buyer’s Commission: 3% + VAT

In Romania, farmers can receive subsidies from the government and the European Union (EU) under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The amount of support for 1,250 hectares of arable land in Timiș County can vary depending on several factors, including the type of crops grown, compliance with environmental and sustainability practices, and specific national or regional programs.

Here’s a general idea:
1. Basic Payment Scheme (BPS):

This is a direct payment per hectare for eligible farmland.
The average payment under the BPS in Romania has been around €180-€200 per hectare, but this can vary year by year.


For 1,250 hectares: €180 – €200 × 1,250 hectares = €225,000 – €250,000

2. Greening Payment:

Additional payment for farmers who implement environmentally friendly practices.
This is typically around 30% of the BPS amount, so it could add another €50-€60 per hectare.


For 1,250 hectares: €50 – €60 × 1,250 hectares = €62,500 – €75,000

3. Coupled Support:

Additional payments for specific crops (e.g., protein crops, vegetables).
This varies widely based on the crop type and region.

4. Agri-Environmental Measures:

If the land is managed with specific environmental practices, there could be additional payments.

5. Rural Development Programs:

Possible support for investment in agricultural infrastructure, modernization, or innovation.

Total Estimate:

A rough estimate of support could range between €287,500 and €325,000 per year for 1,250 hectares, based on the BPS and Greening Payments alone.

These figures are estimates and can vary annually based on policy changes, specific eligibility, and regional adjustments. It is advisable to consult with a local agricultural advisor or authority for the most accurate and current information.

The typical agricultural products in this area of Timiș County, Romania, include a diverse mix of both arable crops and vineyards, reflecting the broader agricultural practices of the region.

Contact Information

For more details, please visit immocorso.com or contact us at info@immocorso.com.
